由中国中文信息学会主办,海南大学和ACM SIGIR北京分部协办的第四届亚洲信息获取暑期学校将于2019年7月9日至13日在海南大学国际交流中心举办。ASSIA旨在为信息检索与推荐、自然语言处理等领域的学生、青年学者和工业界研究人员提供一个向高水平学者学习和相互之间沟通交流的机会。该暑期学校每两年举办一届,2013、2015、2017分别在日本筑波、中国台北、日本京都举办。
澳大利亚墨尔本大学 Alistair Moffat 教授
澳大利亚RMIT大学 Mark Sanderson 教授
荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学 Maarten de Rijke 教授
● July 9th (Tue.), 2019: Arrival at Haikou, China; Registration
● July 10th (Wed.), 2019: DAY-1 of ASSIA 2019
* Long lecture: Introduction to Information Retrieval (Alistair Moffat)
* Lunch (provided, with poster presentations)
* Short lecture: Introduction to IR Evaluation (Mark Sanderson)
* Short lecture: Commercial Recommender system and its technical challenges (Dawei Yin)
● July 11th (Thu.), 2019: DAY-2 of ASSIA 2019
* Long lecture: Introduction to machine learning for IR (Maarten de Rijke)
* Lunch (provided, with poster presentations)
* Short lecture: Introduction to Statistical Tools in IR Experiment (Tetsuya Sakai)
* Short lecture: Commercial Search Engine system and its technical challenges (Daxin Jiang)
● July 12th (Fri.), 2019: DAY-3 of ASSIA 2019
* Long lecture: Introduction to IR ranking models (Jun Xu)
* Lunch (provided, with poster presentations)
* Long lecture: Introduction to Interactive IR (Chengxiang Zhai)
● July 13th (Sat.), 2019: DAY-4 of ASSIA 2019
* Long lecture: Introduction to Conversational IR (Jian-Yun Nie)